Sunday 20 December 2009

District 9 Competition - Now Closed

One of the best films this year was Neill Blomkamp's directorial debut DISTRICT 9, which gracefully and intelligently wove politics into an entertaining sc-fi story, blending documentary and action filmmaking techniques.

I've got some Blu-Rays and DVDs to give away, so please email me the answer to the following question at

- What film based on a video game was Neill Blomkamp slated to direct for Peter Jackson?

Competition closes on 28th December.


  1. Not a Gamer - so it's gonna have to be an educated guess...
    In a Moon-free year, this would've been the best Sci-Fi movie in YEARS! Just hope they don't spoil it with a sequel...

  2. Halo. If I win, Blu Ray preferred!
    Have a great Christmas,
