Monday 14 December 2009

UK Box Office 11-13 Dec

After six weeks in release, Disney's A CHRISTMAS CAROL made its way to the top spot, demonstrating why they released it so early in the first place. This is the last week they have to use all those 3D screns before AVATAR comes along on Friday.
WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE debuted at second place, with a less than spectacular number, which possibly shows two things: 1-the book is more popular in America, and 2-This appeals more to Spike Jonze/arthouse fans than children (we were very busy at The Dukes). Unbelievably, A SERIOUS MAN hangs in the Top 10 4 weeks after release with just over 100 prints.

1- A CHRISTMAS CAROL (£1,538,620)
3- PLANET 51 (£771,433)
5- TWILIGHT: NEW MOON (£757,822)
6- NATIVITY (£673,585)
8- 2012 (£474,513)
9- THE BOX (£251,496)
10- A SERIOUS MAN (£133,209)


  1. WTWTA looked and sounded terrific (glorious Digital at The Duke's) but I did notice some of the under-fives get bored around the Hour mark. The Domestic stuff reminded me of the sort of thing I believe Spielberg does best; and I'd like to have seen more of Catherine Keener and Mark Ruffalo. An Arthouse Kid's Movie (can anyone think of another?) must be tricky to market (although I've heard SJ call it a "film about Childhood - not a Kid's movie".)
    The CineWEIRD is still showing ACC in 3-D next week - which probably means they're screening it in their less-than-impressive (but still Digital-equipped) Screen 8; and showing Avatar in 1&2. I saw The Thing (lots of White) in 8 earlier on this year - the screen itself was FILTHY and it really showed! Why bother showing crystal-clear Digital on a dirty screen?!
    Becuase I'm a Geek, with too much time on my hands, I'll be going to see Avatar in 3-D and 35mm - to settle things, in my own mind, once an for all.. But I'm looking forward to The Red Shoes even more...

  2. Binary you must identify yourself once and for all! Batman must be unmasked!
