Sunday 7 June 2009

Looking for Eric

I just saw Looking for Eric at a preview at the Dukes, along with the staff. It was strange, watching a Ken Loach film in which the audience laughed throughout and clapped at certain scenes. At the end, everyone stood up and gave it an ovation.

The commercial potential of this film is huge, and distributor Icon seem to feel the same way, with their marketing campaign going wide, trying to break out of the arthouse ghetto Loach has been stuck in most of his career.

Icon had great success transforming Woody Allen's Match Point into a crossover success by skillfully ignoring the fact that it was an Allen project, and similarly, here the emphasis on the very bright and bold poster is on Cantona.

The feel-good ending should get the 'Slumdog' factor going and word of mouth (plus reviews) will be positive. The expensive advertising campaign includes a lot of TV ads and Cantona making charming appearances on all the chat shows.

Roll on Friday!

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